Phantom Iris R VMG PRO RaceFoil
47 999,00 kr
Phantom chockade i PWA genom att vinna alla race i första PWA worldcup.
IrisR racefoil är byggd med M40J High Mudular Prepreg carbon. Med styvare och hårdare material får man en stabilare gång. Då det är snabbare med tunnare profiler har Phantom lyckats nå det bästa man kan tillverka idag genom absolut högsta kvalitet på material.
VMG PRO PWA Set-paket med 2 framvingar, 2 bakvingar och 110cm fuselage.
Corsica 2021 from Phantom Windsurfing on Vimeo.
The Iris R Windfoil is our ultra performance weapon to be ahead of the pack. A no compromise foiI featuring the unique M40J high modulus carbon prepreg mast and wings to guarantees unreached performances.
The Iris R is the World Champion and vice World Champion and 2020 Formula Foil World Champion.
“Our main goal was to design the finest racing windfoil on the market with the help of our fluid dynamics and structure analysis experts from the America's Cup.
We have been working for several years in close collaboration with Gonzalo Redondo (D3 Applied Technologies) and Brett Ellis, both from the AC community (American Magic team, and Artemis).
The Ultimate Racing Windfoil is the result of many hours of testing and performance data collection, including GPS, cameras and gyros (speed, VMG, heeling angle, pitching angle, leeway…).
These datas allowed us to have precise inputs to run some very accurate CFD (Computerised Fluid Dynamics) and (Finite Element Analysis) simulations in real conditions with some of the best windfoil riders in the world.
100cm mast
Fuselage 110 cm Evo
Front Wing R 930/730 cm2
Rear Wing R 250mk2/200 cm2
Titanium screws
+ Transport Case
+ Goy’Box
+ Rear Wing Shims x4 (0,5mm / 1mm / 1,5mm / 2mm)
IRIS R Foil 360° from Phantom Windsurfing on Vimeo.